A Year in Paint (2017)

A Year in Paint (2017)


My year began with a favourite subject of mine. I think foxes are just beautiful and a joy to paint, add some snow and Bingo!


Where I live influences my work so much. Mid Devon's high hedges as Spring bursts into life , so looking forward to seeing the primroses again.


Another favourite subject , and just perfect for March, I just need to practice so I can do these beautiful creatures justice.



A real highlight of my year getting to see my work at Lympstone Manor, wow!


A lovely week in Pembrokeshire and a chance to paint outside, I must do more en plein air painting in 2018, roll on the warmer weather .....


Another thrill to see my work in London at the 'Wildlife Artist of the Year ' exhibition, this little lemur was just a bit special.


2017 was the year I loved to paint bumble bees, they got bigger and more detailed, I think I will be painting more in the coming months


The calendar I painted for RNLI came out in their shops and I was so thrilled to see it on sale in Cornwall.


September is Devon open Studios,  such a busy time ,but so lovely for me to meet people who like my work and to be able to chat about what I do. Happy Days


October brought new commissions as Christmas draws closer, and new subjects too.


Another first for me but I am sure sloths will feature in 2018.


And so the year ends almost as it began with snow and wildlife and things I love.....what will 2018 bring? If it is anywhere near as exciting as 2017 I will be a very happy watercolourist

Happy New Year x


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1 comment

You are an inspiration to me Rachel. Beautiful work.

Dinah Longland

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