Hello , a bit of a different blog today, I was asked by a young A level student, to answer some questions for her course work, they really made me think , about who I am as an artist and why I do what I do, I didn't go into great depth, but I did think you might be interested too.
I have had a wonderful week, so many birthday wishes, and gifts, some lovely flowers from my mum
So sitting in my studio this morning I took some time to answer her questions .
What inspires your work?
Devon, wherever I am inspires me, I think as artists we learn to look , and so if I am home, then Mid Devon inspires me, the birds, the wildlife , the high hedges etc etc. I also am inspired by the medium, I love watercolour, and I like to see how far I can push it
Are there any other artists which inspire your work?
I love to see other artists work, I love a watercolourist called David Parfitt RI https://davidaparfittri.co.uk/
Also Kurt Jackson
Martin Aveling, for his love of the natural world
and Turner, of course who doesn’t love Turner
What do you want viewers of your work to feel/experience looking at your work? Is there any particular message/meaning/emotion behind your work (noting that this may vary from piece to piece)?
I do want viewers to take different things from different pieces. Sometimes humour, sometimes a feeling of a particular place, sometimes just the beauty of a creature or flower. I want them to enjoy the painting for the skill involved, and I like to leave parts looser to leave parts to the viewers imagination
What scale do you usually work in/prefer to work in?
I generally work on a small scale, A4 or A3. I like to work quickly and can get easily bored. I like the size it works well with watercolour
What is your primary medium that you work in? why do you choose to work in this medium?
Watercolour, watercolour watercolour, I love watercolour, I love that it is tricky, that it takes a lifetime to master ( if then) that it is portable, accessible, moveable, spontaneous. I feel watercolour is a bit of an underdog in the arty world, and I think it is magical, get it right and it sings, get it wrong and it’s awful !
Watercolour all the way for me
Can you give a rough description of the process you go through when creating a piece of work?
I tend to be inspired by something, or have a commission to start, so I sketch out my piece either using photos or being there, then I work from light to dark. If painting an animal I always start with the eye. I like detailed work and loose work to provide tension in a piece. I write a blog each week
where I try to explain my process
How did you develop your style of work?
I am self taught, but I do go to see a lot of exhibitions and visit a lot of galleries, I love to see how others do things and adapt my style. I like to see what I can do
How would you describe your style of work, what characterises it as your work?
I want it to be described as well done, with a looseness of touch , and a confidence. I think I am especially known for the way I paint bees
That's a bit about why I do what I do
Such an interesting blog. I think it is amazing how you add emotion to your art , be it a stillness, humour or action as in the flight of birds.
I love watercolour but so hard to master!!
I enjoyed reading this different blog very much.
Your comment about mastering watercolour resonates with me too!
I will check out the artists you sight.
Happy birthday too! Thank you and I love your work.